Paula Plantier
As a general rule, everything to be read publicly should be copyedited—from books and magazines to Web copy and advertisements to industry-specific journals. However, because of increasing demands for proficiency, even executive résumés for job search, as well as term papers and college dissertations, business letters and collateral business material, and all other written communications, too, demand top-notch copy editing and proofreading. To ensure that your project is free of misspellings, grammatical gaffes, faulty syntax, unclear passages, and errors of fact, you might want to consider hiring copy-editing services provider EditAmerica as your best option.
By virtue of its 30 years of experience in providing the highest level of editorial services, EditAmerica has acquired undisputed editorial expertise and earned a reputation for offering those top-quality editorial services in a timely manner. During its tenure, the company has proofread and copyedited half a million pages of online Web content and print documents.
Why Should You Hire EditAmerica?
Although most writers can revise their own work once they’ve finished a draft, still it’s hard for them to pick up every mistake. The reason is that, when they review the wording, they’re more likely to read what they believe they’ve written instead of what was actually written. That’s why all writers should use copy-editing services. And EditAmerica is the best choice.
Because EditAmerica has not seen the document before, the company can take a sharp, fresh perspective in its review. It checks every word, phrase, and line in the document. Aside from that, EditAmerica evaluates the whole document to improve its clarity, style, conciseness, and flow.
In addition to the editorial review of executive résumés, EditAmerica offers copy-editing services for:
• Academic treatises
• Advertisements for every industry
• Business, finance, and promotional marketing material
• Company financial and annual reports
• Medical and pharmaceutical communications
• Scientific and technical documents
What Does EditAmerica Guarantee?
EditAmerica guarantees that you will profit from its extensive knowledge of the terminology and publishing standards of your industry.
EditAmerica guarantees on-time delivery. We offer more-organized, more-accurate, and faster copy-editing services than other such services do. Furthermore, we can return short copy-editing assignments overnight.
EditAmerica guarantees that you will decide how the fee is calcuated. You can choose whether the fee will be computed by the page, or as a contract amount, or as an hourly rate.
EditAmerica guarantees the value-added ability to edit as well as rewrite in English, French, and Spanish.
EditAmerica guarantees NOT TO CHARGE A FEE if you don’t agree that you have received the best edit you’ve ever experienced.
EditAmerica Will Exceed Your Expectations But Not Your Deadline
The Ultimate Editorial Source
115 Jacobs Creek Road
Ewing, NJ 08628
Standards of the past at the speed of the future
Editing and Rewriting
in English, French, and Spanish
in the Following Editorial Specialty Areas
Abstracts | Manuals |
Academic material in every field of study | Manuscript editing |
Advertisements | Marketing messages |
Advertorials | Medical advertising |
Annotated bibliographies | Medical case studies |
Annual reports | Medical education |
Bibliographies | Medical journals |
Biographies | Medical peer-reviewed articles |
Book editing | Medical slide kits |
Book jackets | Medicine |
Book proposals | Monographs |
Books | News articles |
Brochures | Newsletters |
Business plans and proposals | Nursing textbooks |
Business promotion | Peer-reviewed professional magazines |
Case studies | Pharmaceutical advertising |
Children’s books | Pharmaceutics |
Clinical drug trials | Pharmacology |
College curricula | Plays |
College reference books | Poetry |
College syllabi | Press releases |
Communications technology | Professional books |
Company annual reports | Professional magazines |
Company profiles | Promotional literature |
Computer material | Proofreading |
Continuing medical education | Refereed medical journals |
Cookbooks | Religious treatises |
Copy editing | Requests for proposal |
Curricula vitae | Research |
Direct mail | Résumés |
E-books | Reviews |
Educational material | SAT prep textbooks |
Elementary education textbooks | Scholarly material |
Employee compensation and benefits handbooks | Scientific material |
English as a foreign language textbooks | Screenplays |
English grammar books | Secondary school textbooks |
Essays | Slide captions |
Executive résumés and executive summaries | Slide show scripts |
Fact checking | Surgical textbooks |
Feature articles | Syllabi |
Financial documents | Teaching materials |
Foreign-language material | Testing material |
Form 10-Ks and Form 10-Qs | Textbooks |
Handbooks | Textbook series |
Health care | Theses |
Higher education textbooks | Trade magazines |
High school textbooks | Travel guides |
High-technology material | User’s manuals |
Internet research | Video scripts |
Learning-disabilities books | Viewbooks |
Legal documents | Web content |
Management material | White papers |